dns iis

Hey, Sorry for the newb question however I am new to the whole website setup thing, we are running multiple internal websites from a single server and I was wondering how you get the name to resolve in DNS. Where DOMAIN is my domain and SERVER is the web

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  • 各位先進您們好, 因為想在Server A上面架兩個網站(a & b), 但希望兩個網站的網址是不一樣的,如下: Server A 的domain: www.aaa.co....
    IIS 網站DNS設定問題
  • You must have a working Dynamic Name Services (DNS) server on the network to run Windows D...
    DNS Server | Microsoft Docs
  • I have a sever with win 2008. I install IIS 7 and DNS. Also, I have domain abcd.com (for e...
    Setup a website with DNS and IIS 7
  • submitted to DNSCheck it will investigate the domain's general health by traversing th...
  • Hey, Sorry for the newb question however I am new to the whole website setup thing, we are...
    DNS and IIS for Internal websites : The Official Microsoft I ...
  • We strongly recommend that all users upgrade to Microsoft Internet Information Services (I...
    HOW TO: Enable Reverse DNS Lookup for IIS
  • This week's video will cover Microsoft Windows DNS and a simple integration with IIS 7...
    Microsoft Windows DNS and IIS Intergration - YouTube ...
  • DNS (IIS) Web Server IIS 7 Ll IIS WSRM Title Windows Server 2008 R2 IPv6 的 DNS 及 IIS 設定 Au...
    Windows Server 2008 R2 IPv6 的 DNS 及 IIS 設定
  • 請問如何設定DNS與IIS 做正確轉址 價值 : 10 QP 點閱數:4409 回應數:2 樓主 低會貴 0 1 10 1 發送站內信 我的問題是我架了一台2003R2 的IIS,...
    請問如何設定DNS與IIS做正確轉址- 藍色小舖 BlueShop
  • 大家好呀! 我有一個問題想問. 我設定了一台 windows server 2008, 設定了Active directory 及DNS伺服器. IIS 也安裝了, 為甚麼不能在瀏...
    有關 IIS 設定對外的問題 - iT 邦幫忙::一起幫忙解決難題,拯救 ...
  • 各位先進您們好, 因為想在Server A上面架兩個網站(a & b), 但希望兩個網站的網址是不一樣的,如下: Server A 的domain: www.aaa.co....
    IIS 網站DNS設定問題
  • You must have a working Dynamic Name Services (DNS) server on the network to run Windows D...
    DNS Server | Microsoft Docs